Passive income with blogging

by: humarri,

Since I went up to Baguio last December 2009, I didn’t have time to check on my “earnings” as a “publisher” for Adsense, an online advertising program of Google. To my surprise, even with the absence of new posts in my blog, I still managed to earn a few dollars out of the previous posts I had. This is encouraging especially for a problogger to continue his craft providing articles to his readers.

Income from blogging is not as easy as it seems. I was one of those who started blogging way back 2001 but got discouraged because of the “technicalities”. Furthermore, the articles I wrote those days were about my personal experiences, love, family which no one really reads.

I decided to go back to blogging in 2007 upon reading some success stories about earning passive income with the use of blogs. I really do not expect to earn much from blogging since the primary purpose of my blogs is to share information and opinion according to how I see an issue or use the blog to push for a particular product or marketing company. I included Goolge adsense just to fill in the empty spaces. In 2008, I was amazed to see that the blog earned a few dollars. In September of 2009, I decided to go full time as a problogger but this time discussing relevant issues and providing interesting articles.  I have learned from the past… no one really cares about your love life or your personal sentiments or drama.

To earn in blogging, you should have the passion and skill for it. You should also have an increasing base of
followers and you can achieve this if you have interesting articles, issues, posts that will make a reader come back for more. It is a big mistake to say that all you have to do in blogging is post an article and wait for your earnings to come. That is simply stupid. There are no shortcuts in blogging. In fact,  serious bloggers research,
analyze and study their articles before posting it online and some even spend as much as 18 hours a day making posts and promoting their blog.

With so many college graduates and a few jobs offered, blogging is an alternative opportunity to earn. It is a
“new” profession that encompasses the traditional educational  system that teaches graduates to become employees. With blogging, you are your own boss. However, you should be responsible enough for the consequences of your posts and articles. That is why there is a need to learn the ethics of blogging as well as the basics of journalism and most especially the limits of expression so as not to be charged with libel hehehe.
Copyright 2009
All Rights Reserved
Author: Thinking Out Loud

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